Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Well, I'm not updating, so I just post this comment from my mother!

"When I was in 7th grade, I said that [girl] scouting was more like communism than democracy and really upset all my leaders. I didn't know I was being politically incorrect, but just thought that all the communal camping activities, etc. seemed more like the communal farms etc. that we had heard about in Russia. Oops! That was during the cold war, which I also didn't really know anything about at the time."

Thanks Mom!

She also commented about my diet, but I'm not posting that (unflattering) part. It's down there if you want to read it. It's also true!

This blog is now about Sweden.

1 comment:

  1. Sweden rocks.

    I had a Swedish friend in HS and he taught me how to say "Do you have a frying pan?" He apparently thought this was a vital thing to learn.
