Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4th

Q: My favorite color is...

A: Green. The most emerald of greens is great. Green with a little yellow is nice. Green with too much blue is kind of gross.


  1. This reminds me of that song our Dteam wrote for you when we were in 9th grade. Wait! I don't think we wrote it! Amy's Dteam wrote it?! "His favorite character's Gumbo. His favorite color's green. His favorite sound is (gasssspppp)..."

    ...I didn't know I remembered that until just now...

    1. Wait...what is my favorite sound?!?

      Gumby, btw. :D

    2. Haha! I totally meant Gumbo for real, too, it wasn't a typo.

      It was like a gasp. Or intake of air. Like...

      I just did it a few times to try to figure out how to explain it in letters... I don't know. I'll do it on the phone for you :-)
